[english] Zucchini mozzarella muffins


The recipe is adapted from this one (in french) :http://hipasiecuisine.canalblog.com/archives/2013/06/22/27484869.html

You need:

3 zucchinis

Flaked almonds

80g of gratted emmental


200g of flour

10cl of milk

3 eggs

4 basil leaves

a sachet of yeast

15cl of olive oil

salt & pepper



Grate the zucchinis

Cook them with a bit of oil

Dry them using kitchen paper

Mix together flour and yeast in a bowl. Add the eggs and mix again. Incorporate oil and milk. Add zucchinis, almonds, cheese, chiseled basil leaves, salt and pepper.

Pour the preparation in muffin molds

Back 25 min, 180°C


Bon appetit !